Prerequisites for Installing the Python Client

You must ensure that the following prerequisites are met before you install the Python client:
  1. Make sure that the following softwares are installed on your system:
    • Oracle JDK 8 or later
    • Python 3.5 or later

      To verify you are using the right version of the Python client, run the following command:

      $> python3 --version
      Python 3.6.1


    Python 2.x is not supported.

    For more information on installing Python 3 on Oracle Linux, see Python for Oracle Linux.

  2. Make sure that the following Python packages are installed on your system:
    • python3-devel
    • pyjnius-1.3.0.zip
    • six-1.14.0.zip
    • Cython-0.29.17.zip
    • pandas
    1. To check the list of packages installed in your system and to identify the missing packages, execute the following command:
      pip3 list

      The result may be as shown:

      Package         Version
      --------------- -------
      Cython          0.29.17
      numpy           1.19.5
      pip             21.1
      pyjnius         1.3.0
      six             1.14.0
      The result shows that the pandas module is missing.
    2. Navigate to your Oracle Graph Client installation directory.
      • For a server and client installed on the same machine, the Oracle Graph Client installation directory is located at:
      • For a client installation using a remote server, the Oracle Graph Client installation directory is located at:

        where <pgx_client_dir> is the directory where you extracted the oracle-graph-client-21.2.zip file.

    3. Install the missing dependencies by executing the following command as root:
      sudo pip3 install --user <missing_module>

      where <missing_module> is the missing dependency module that need to be installed.

      For example to install pyjnius-1.3.0.zip:
      sudo pip3 install --user pyjnius-1.3.0.zip