5.1 Property Graph Schema Objects for Oracle Database

The property graph PL/SQL and Java APIs use special Oracle Database schema objects.

This topic describes objects related to the property graph schema approach to working with graph data. It is a more flexible approach than the deprecated two-tables schema approach described in Handling Property Graphs Using a Two-Tables Schema, which has limitations.

Oracle Spatial and Graph lets you store, query, manipulate, and query property graph data in Oracle Database. For example, to create a property graph named myGraph, you can use either the Java APIs (oracle.pg.rdbms.OraclePropertyGraph) or the PL/SQL APIs (MDSYS.OPG_APIS package).

With the PL/SQL API:

           dop => 4,             -- degree of parallelism
           num_hash_ptns => 8,   -- number of hash partitions used to store the graph
           tbs => 'USERS',       -- tablespace
           options => 'COMPRESS=T'

With the Java API:

  cfg = GraphConfigBuilder

  OraclePropertyGraph opg = OraclePropertyGraph.getInstance(cfg);