4.2.5 Read Data from the Database

Once logged in, you can now read data from the database into the graph server without specifying any connection information in the graph configuration.

Your database user must exist and have read access on the graph data in the database.

For example, the following graph configuration will read a property graph named hr into memory, authenticating as <database user>/<database password> with the database:

GraphConfig config = GraphConfigBuilder.forPropertyGraphRdbms()
    .addVertexProperty("FIRST_NAME", PropertyType.STRING)
    .addVertexProperty("LAST_NAME", PropertyType.STRING)
    .addVertexProperty("EMAIL", PropertyType.STRING)
    .addVertexProperty("CITY", PropertyType.STRING)
PgxGraph hr = session.readGraphWithProperties(config);

The following example is a graph configuration in JSON format that reads from relational tables into the graph server, without any connection information being provided in the configuration file itself:


For more information about how to read data from the database into the graph server, see Store the Database Password in a Keystore.