4.10.6 Special Considerations When Using Auto-Refresh

This section explains a few special considerations when you enable auto-refresh for graphs in the in-memory graph server (PGX):

  • If you call graph.destroy(), auto-refresh does not immediately stop.

    It only stops once the graph is actually freed from the server memory.

    This happens when all the following conditions are true:
    1. No other session is referencing that graph.
    2. PGX consumes more than release_memory_threshold memory.

      release_memory_threshold is a pgx.conf option that defaults to 85% of available system memory.

    3. The PGX "garbage collector" has been run.

      memory_cleanup_interval is a pgx.conf option which defaults to once every 10 minutes.

  • If you configure the graph to be loaded with auto-refresh, you cannot omit the jdbc url, username and keystore parameters from the graph configuration file since auto-refreshed graphs are not "user bound". You cannot obtain the connection settings from the user who initiated it.