4.11.5 Advanced Auto-Refresh Configuration

You can specify advanced options for auto-refresh configuration.

Internally, the in-memory graph server (PGX) fetches the changes since the last check from the database and creates a new snapshot by applying the delta (changes) to the previous snapshot. There are two timers: one for fetching and caching the deltas from the database, the other for actually applying the deltas and creating a new snapshot.

Additionally, you can specify a threshold for the number of cached deltas. If the number of cached changes grows above this threshold, a new snapshot is created automatically. The number of cached changes is a simple sum of the number of vertex changes plus the number of edge changes.

The deltas are fetched periodically and cached on the in-memory graph server for two reasons:

  • To speed up the actual snapshot creation process

  • To account for the case that the database can "forget" changes after a while

You can specify both a threshold and an update timer, which means that both conditions will be checked before new snapshot is created. At least one of these parameters (threshold or update timer) must be specified to prevent the delta cache from becoming too large. The interval at which the source is queried for changes must not be omitted.

The following parameters show a configuration where the data source is queried for new deltas every 5 minutes. New snapshots are created every 20 minutes or if the cached deltas reach a size of 1000 changes.

  "format": "pg",
  "jdbc_url": "jdbc:oracle:thin:@mydatabaseserver:1521/dbName",
  "username": "scott",
  "password": "<your_password>",
  "name": "my_graph",

  "loading": {
    "auto_refresh": true,
    "fetch_interval_sec": 300,
    "update_interval_sec": 1200,
    "update_threshold": 1000,
    "create_edge_id_index": true,
    "create_edge_id_mapping": true