Basic Query Execution

You can execute PGQL queries using the opg4py.pgql Python wrapper.

Executing PGQL Queries Using the Python Client

  • Set the graph for querying as shown:
    >>> pgql_conn.set_graph("<graph_name>")

    where <graph_name> is the name of the graph.

  • Define and execute the PGQL SELECT query. For example,
    >>> pgql = "SELECT e.from_acct_id, e.to_acct_id, e.amount FROM MATCH (n:accounts) -[e:transfers]-> (m:accounts) on bank_graph limit 10"
  • Execute and print the result set as shown:
    >>> pgql_result_set = pgql_statement.execute_query(pgql)
    >>> pgql_result_set.print()
    | 781.0        | 712.0      | 1000.0 |
    | 190.0        | 555.0      | 1000.0 |
    | 191.0        | 329.0      | 1000.0 |
    | 198.0        | 57.0       | 1000.0 |
    | 220.0        | 441.0      | 1000.0 |
    | 251.0        | 387.0      | 1000.0 |
    | 254.0        | 188.0      | 1000.0 |
    | 259.0        | 305.0      | 1000.0 |
    | 261.0        | 145.0      | 1000.0 |
    | 263.0        | 40.0       | 1000.0 |
    PgqlResultSet(java_pgql_result_set: oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlResultSet, # of results: 0)