
To create a collection you call the .create() function. For example, a VertexProperty<Integer> is created as follows:

VertexProperty<Integer> distance = VertexProperty.create();

To get the value of a property at a certain vertex v:


Similarly, to set the property of a certain vertex v to a value e:

distance.set(v, e);

You can even create properties of collections:

VertexProperty<VertexSequence> path = VertexProperty.create();

However, PGX Algorithm assignments are always by value (as opposed to by reference). To make this explicit, you must call .clone() when assigning a collection:

VertexSequence sequence = path.get(v).clone();

Another consequence of values being passed by value is that you can check for equality using the == operator instead of the Java method .equals(). For example:

PgxVertex v1 = G.getRandomVertex();
PgxVertex v2 = G.getRandomVertex();
System.out.println(v1 == v2);