14.5.8 Creating a Sparsified Subgraph

The graph server (PGX) supports creating a sparsified subgraph of a graph:

Creating a Sparsified Subgraph Using Java
PgxGraph sparsify(double e)
PgxGraph sparsify(double e, String newGraphName)
PgxGraph sparsify(Collection<VertexProperty<?, ?>> vertexProps, Collection<EdgeProperty<?>> edgeProps, double e, String newGraphName)
Creating a Sparsified Subgraph Using Python
sparsify(self, sparsification, vertex_properties=True, edge_properties=True, name=None)

The double argument e is the sparsification coefficient with a value between 0.0 and 1.0.

The user again has the option to specify the name for the newly created graph (newGraphName) as well as the vertex and edge properties to be copied into the newly created graph instance (vertexProps and edgeProps).

The returned PgxGraph object represents a sparsified subgraph which has fewer edges than the original graph.