PGQL Limitations in Property Graph Views

PGQL UPDATE queries are not supported for property graph views.

Also, the following PGQL SELECT features are not supported:

  • The only quantifier supported for recursive queries is *.

    If you attempt to use a different quantifier, it will result in an error as shown:

    jshell> String s = "SELECT id(a) FROM MATCH ANY SHORTEST ((a) -[e]->+ (b))";
    s ==> "SELECT id(a) FROM MATCH ANY SHORTEST ((a) -[e]->+ (b))"
    jshell> PgqlStatement stmt = pgqlConn.createStatement();
    stmt ==> oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlExecution@27b9d5b7
    jshell> stmt.execute(s);
    |  Exception java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Only zero (0) or more path quantifier is supported
  • Use of bind variables in path expressions.

    If you attempt to use a bind variable, it will result in an error as shown:

    jshell> String s = "SELECT id(a) FROM MATCH ANY SHORTEST (a) -[e]->* (b) WHERE id(a) = ?";
    s ==> "SELECT id(a) FROM MATCH ANY SHORTEST (a) -[e]->* (b) WHERE id(a) = ?"
    jshell> PgqlPreparedStatement ps = pgqlConn.prepareStatement(s);
    ps ==> oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlExecution@7806db3f
    jshell> ps.setString(1, "PERSON(3)");
    jshell> ps.executeQuery();
    |  Exception java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Use of bind variables for path queries is not supported
  • Using subqueries.
  • in_degree and out_degree functions.
  • Any-directed edge patterns (for example, -[e]-).