4.12.1 Starting and Stopping the Graph Server (PGX) Using the Command Line

PGX is integrated with systemd to run it as a Linux service in the background.

If you need to configure the server before starting it, see Configuring the In-Memory Graph Server (PGX) and Configuration Parameters for the Graph Server (PGX) Engine for more information on the configuration options.

The commands to start and stop the graph server (PGX) and the PGX engine are as follows:


You can run the following commands without sudo if you are the root user.

To start the PGX server as a daemon process, run the following command:

sudo systemctl start pgx

To stop the server, run the following command:

sudo systemctl stop pgx

If the server does not start up, you can see if there are any errors by running:

journalctl -u pgx.service

For more information about how to interact with systemd on Oracle Linux, see the Oracle Linux administrator's documentation.