6.9 Executing PGQL Queries Directly Against Oracle Database

This topic explains how you can execute PGQL queries directly against the graph in Oracle Database (as opposed to the graph loaded into the graph server (PGX)).

Property Graph Query Language (PGQL) queries can be executed against disk-resident property graph data stored in Oracle Database. PGQL on Oracle Database (RDBMS) provides a Java API for executing PGQL queries. Logic in PGQL on RDBMS translates a submitted PGQL query into an equivalent SQL query, and the resulting SQL is executed on the database server. PGQL on RDBMS then wraps the SQL query results with a convenient PGQL result set API.

Property graph data in RDBMS can exist either in the property graph schema tables or as a property graph view on the Oracle Database tables.

The following topics explain in detail how you can execute PGQL queries against the graph in the Oracle Database: