1.10 Using Oracle Graph with the Autonomous Database

Oracle Graph with the Autonomous Database allows you to create property graphs from data in your Autonomous Database.

When using Oracle Autonomous Database in a shared deployment, you can use Graph Studio, a powerful user interface for developing applications that use graph analysis. Using Graph Studio, you can automate the modeling of graphs from tables in Autonomous Database. You can interactively analyze and visualize the graph queries using advanced notebooks with multiple visualization options. You can execute over 60 built-in graph algorithms in Graph Studio to gain useful insights on your graph data. See Using Graph Studio in Oracle Autonomous Database for more information.

Alternatively, you can use Oracle Graph Server and Client with the family of Oracle Autonomous Database to create and work with property graphs.

This includes all versions of Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse (shared), Oracle Autonomous Database (shared), and Oracle Autonomous Database (dedicated).

You can connect in two-tier mode (connect directly to Autonomous Database) or three-tier mode (connect to PGX on the middle tier, which then connects to Autonomous Database). (For basic information about two-tier and three-tier connection modes, see Storing Graphs in Oracle Database and Loading Graphs into Memory.)

The database schema storing the graph must have the privileges listed in Required Privileges for Database Users.