2. Creating a PGQL-on-RDBMS statement

The following classes can be used to create PGQL statements and prepared statements accordingly.

class opg4py.pgql.PgqlStatement(java_pgql_statement)

Wrapper class for oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlStatement.


Allows to cancel currently running execute operation.

Note that cancel does not rollback already executed modifications.

Throws: oracle.pgql.lang.PgqlException - When an error occurs while canceling current operation.


Releases this PgqlStatment’s database and JDBC resources.

Closing this PgqlStatement will close all PgqlResultSets that were created from it.

Throws: oracle.pgql.lang.PgqlException

execute(pgql, parallel=0, dynamic_sampling=2, match_options=None, options=None)

Executes a PGQL Query, Modify or Create/Drop operation on this instance’s property graph.

Supported query options (matchOptions) are the same as those for executeQuery.

Supported modify options are:

STREAMING=T Use result sets instead of temporary tables to perform the update.

AUTO_COMMIT=F Do not commit after performing the modify operation.

DELETE_CASCADE=F Do not delete incoming/outgoing edges when deleting a vertex.

  • pgql – the PGQL modify to execute

  • parallel – the degree of parallelism to use for query and update execution

  • dynamic_sampling – the value for dynamic sampling

  • match_options – additional options used to influence query translation and execution

  • options – additional options used to influence modify translation and execution


True if the provided PGQL query is a select, false for other statements


PgqlToSqlException - if a server-side error occurs during translation or SQL execution oracle.pgql.lang.PgqlException - if a server-side error occurs or method is called on a closed Statement

execute_query(pgql, timeout=0, parallel=0, dynamic_sampling=2, max_results=- 1, options=None)

Translates this PGQL statement into a SQL statement and executes it against this instance’s property graph.

Supported query options are:

USE_RW=F Use CONNECT BY instead of recursive WITH for unbounded path traversals

MAX_PATH_LEN=n Traverse at most n hops when evaluating unbounded path traversals

EDGE_SET_PARTIAL=T Fetch properties for each start and end vertex found when reading edges from the query result

  • pgql – the PGQL query to execute

  • timeout – the number of seconds for query execution to finish

  • parallel – the degree of parallelism to use for query execution

  • dynamic_sampling – the value for dynamic sampling

  • max_results – the maximum number of rows returned

  • options – additional options used to influence query translation and execution


a PgqlResultSet object with the result of the provided PGQL query


PgqlToSqlException - if a server-side error occurs during translation or SQL execution oracle.pgql.lang.PgqlException - if a server-side error occurs or method is called on a closed Statement


Get the number of commands that should be batched when executing updates.


the update batch size


Get the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed for a query result.


the query fetch size


Get the number of rows that were modified by last execute operation.


The number of rows modified


Retrieve the current result as a PgqlResultSet object.

This method should be called only once per result.


Current result as a ResultSet object or null if the query is not a SELECT query


Set the number of commands that should be batched when executing updates.


batch_size – the update batch size


Set the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed for a query result.


fetch_size – the query fetch size

translate_query(pgql, parallel=0, dynamic_sampling=2, max_results=- 1, options=None)

Translates this instance’s PGQL statement into a SQL statement.

Supported query options are:

USE_RW=F Use CONNECT BY instead of recursive WITH for unbounded path traversals

MAX_PATH_LEN=n Traverse at most n hops when evaluating unbounded path traversals

EDGE_SET_PARTIAL=T Fetch properties for each start and end vertex found when reading edges from the query result

  • pgql – the PGQL query to translate

  • parallel – the degree of parallelism to use for query execution

  • dynamic_sampling – the value for dynamic sampling

  • max_results – the maximum number of rows returned

  • options – additional options used to influence query translation


a PgqlSqlTrans object with the SQL translation and column metadata for the provided PGQL query


PgqlToSqlException - if a server-side error occurs during translation oracle.pgql.lang.PgqlException - if a server-side error occurs or method is called on a closed Statement

translate_statement(pgql, parallel=0, dynamic_sampling=2, max_results=- 1, match_options=None, options=None)

Translates the given PGQL statement into a series of SQL statements.

  • pgql – the PGQL statement to translate

  • parallel – the degree of parallelism to use for query execution

  • dynamic_sampling – the value for dynamic sampling

  • max_results – the maximum number of rows returned

  • match_options – additional options used to influence query translation and execution

  • options – additional options used to influence DDL/DML translation and execution


the SQL statements and metadata necessary to execute the provided SQL statement


PgqlToSqlException - if a server-side error occurs during translation oracle.pgql.lang.PgqlException - if a server-side error occurs or method is called on a closed Statement

class opg4py.pgql.PgqlPreparedStatement(java_pgql_prepared_statement)

Wrapper class for oracle.pg.rdbms.pgql.PgqlPreparedStatement.

execute(parallel=0, dynamic_sampling=2, match_options=None, options=None)

Executes a PGQL Query, Modify or Create/Drop operation on this instance’s property graph.

Supported query options (matchOptions) are the same as those for executeQuery.

Supported modify options are:

STREAMING=T Use result sets instead of temporary tables to perform the update.

AUTO_COMMIT=F Do not commit after performing the modify operation.

DELETE_CASCADE=F Do not delete incoming/outgoing edges when deleting a vertex.

  • parallel – the degree of parallelism to use for query and update execution

  • dynamic_sampling – the value for dynamic sampling

  • match_options – additional options used to influence query translation and execution

  • options – additional options used to influence modify translation and execution


True if the provided PGQL query is a select, false for other statements


PgqlToSqlException - if a server-side error occurs during translation or SQL execution oracle.pgql.lang.PgqlException - if a server-side error occurs or method is called on a closed Statement

execute_query(timeout=0, parallel=0, dynamic_sampling=2, max_results=- 1, options=None)

Translates this PGQL statement into a SQL statement and executes it against this instance’s property graph.

Supported query options are:

USE_RW=F Use CONNECT BY instead of recursive WITH for unbounded path traversals

MAX_PATH_LEN=n Traverse at most n hops when evaluating unbounded path traversals

EDGE_SET_PARTIAL=T Fetch properties for each start and end vertex found when reading edges from the query result

  • timeout – the number of seconds for query execution to finish

  • parallel – the degree of parallelism to use for query execution

  • dynamic_sampling – the value for dynamic sampling

  • max_results – the maximum number of rows returned

  • options – additional options used to influence query translation and execution


a PgqlResultSet object with the result of the provided PGQL query


PgqlToSqlException - if a server-side error occurs during translation or SQL execution oracle.pgql.lang.PgqlException - if a server-side error occurs or method is called on a closed Statement

set_array(param_index, value)

Sets the designated parameter to the given Java List value.


param_index – the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, …


value: the parameter value

set_boolean(param_index, value)

Sets the designated parameter to the given Java boolean value.


param_index – the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, …


value: the parameter value

set_double(param_index, value)

Sets the designated parameter to the given Java double value.


param_index – the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, …


value: the parameter value

set_float(param_index, value)

Sets the designated parameter to the given Java float value.


param_index – the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, …


value: the parameter value

set_int(param_index, value)

Sets the designated parameter to the given Java int value.


param_index – the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, …


value: the parameter value

set_long(param_index, value)

Sets the designated parameter to the given Java long value.


param_index – the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, …


value: the parameter value

set_string(param_index, value)

Sets the designated parameter to the given Java String value.


param_index – the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, …


value: the parameter value

set_timestamp(param_index, value)

Sets the designated parameter to the given Java Timestamp value.

Timestamp values are assumed to be in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


param_index – the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, …


value: the parameter value