Deploying the Graph Visualization Application in Oracle WebLogic Server

The following instructions are for deploying the Graph Visualization application in Oracle WebLogic Server You might need to make slight modifications, as appropriate, for different versions of the Weblogic Server.

  1. Download the Oracle Graph Webapps zip file from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. This file contains ready-to-deploy Java web application archives (.war files). The file name will be similar to this: oracle-graph-webapps-<version>.zip
  2. Start WebLogic Server.
    # Start Server
    cd $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain
  3. Enable tunneling.

    In order to be able to deploy the Graph Visualization application WAR file over HTTP, you must enable tunneling first. Go to the WebLogic admin console (by default on http://localhost:7001/console). Select Environment (left panel) > Servers (left panel). Click the server that will run Graph Visualization (main panel). Select (top tab bar), check Enable Tunneling, and click Save.

  4. Deploy the graphviz-<version>-pgviz<graphviz-version>-wls.war file.

    To deploy the WAR file to WebLogic Server, use the following command, replacing the <<...>> markers with values matching your installation:

    cd $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain
    source bin/setDomainEnv.sh
    java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl <<admin-console-url>> -username <<admin-user>> -password <<admin-password>> -deploy -upload <<path/to>>/graphviz-<<version>>-pgviz<<graphviz-version>>.war

    To undeploy, you can use the following command:

    java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl <<admin-console-url>> -username <<admin-user>> -password <<admin-password>> -name <<path/to>>/graphviz-<<version>>-pgviz<<graphviz-version>>.war -undeploy

    To test the deployment, navigate using your browser to: https://<<fqdn-ip>>:<<port>>/ui.

    The Graph Visualization Login screen appears as shown in Figure 1-4.

  5. Enter your database credentials and configure the required PGQL driver.

    See Configuring Advanced Options for PGQL Driver Selection for more information.

  6. Click Submit.

    You are now logged in and the Graph Visualization query user interface (UI) appears and the graphs from PGX are retrieved.

    The title bar on the query visualization page displays the connection mode along with the relevant URL.