Executing PGQL Update Queries

You can execute PGQL INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries against property graph views using the OPG4J Java shell, OPG4Py Python shell or through a Java or Python application.

It is important to note that unique IDs are not auto generated when inserting vertices or edges in a graph. Therefore, you must ensure that the key column values are either present in the graph properties or they are auto generated by the database (through SEQUENCE and TRIGGERS or implemented with auto increment functionality using IDENTITY column).

The following example inserts two new vertices and also adds an edge relationship between the two vertices.

opg4j> String pgql =
...>     "INSERT VERTEX v1 LABELS (Person) PROPERTIES (v1.name= 'ABC', v1.height=1.6, v1.birthdate = to_date('13/06/1963', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) "+
...>     "     , VERTEX v2 LABELS (Person) PROPERTIES (v2.name= 'XYZ', v2.height=1.75, v2.birthdate = to_date('19/06/1963', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) "+
...>     "     , EDGE e BETWEEN v1 AND v2 LABELS (friendof) PROPERTIES ( e.meeting_date = to_date('19/06/2021', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) "
pgql ==> "INSERT VERTEX v1 LABELS (Person) PROPERTIES (v1.name= 'ABC', v1.height=1.6, v1.birthdate = to_date('13/06/1963', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))      , VERTEX v2 LABELS (Person) PROPERTIES (v2.name= 'XYZ', v2.height=1.75, v2.birthdate = to_date('19/06/1963', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))      , EDGE e BETWEEN v1 AND v2 LABELS (friendof) PROPERTIES ( e.meeting_date = to_date('19/06/2021', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) "
opg4j> pgqlStmt.execute(pgql)
$14 ==> false
String pgql =
...>     "INSERT VERTEX v1 LABELS (Person) PROPERTIES (v1.name= 'ABC', v1.height=1.6, v1.birthdate = to_date('13/06/1963', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) "+
...>     "     , VERTEX v2 LABELS (Person) PROPERTIES (v2.name= 'XYZ', v2.height=1.75, v2.birthdate = to_date('19/06/1963', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) "+
...>     "     , EDGE e BETWEEN v1 AND v2 LABELS (friendof) PROPERTIES ( e.meeting_date = to_date('19/06/2021', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) ";
>>> pgql = """
...     INSERT VERTEX v1 LABELS (Person) PROPERTIES (v1.name= 'ABC', v1.height=1.6, v1.birthdate = to_date('13/06/1963', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
...     , VERTEX v2 LABELS (Person) PROPERTIES (v2.name= 'XYZ', v2.height=1.75, v2.birthdate = to_date('19/06/1963', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
...     , EDGE e BETWEEN v1 AND v2 LABELS (friendof) PROPERTIES ( e.meeting_date = to_date('19/06/2021', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
... """
>>> pgql_statement.execute(pgql)

The following example executes an UPDATE query to modify the edge property that was inserted in the preceding example and subsequently verifies the update operation through a SELECT query.

opg4j> String pgql = "UPDATE e SET (e.meeting_date = to_date('12/02/2022', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) "+
...>     "FROM MATCH (v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person) "+
...>     "WHERE v1.person_id = 27 AND v2.person_id = 28"
pgql ==> "UPDATE e SET (e.meeting_date = to_date('12/02/2022', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) FROM MATCH (v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person) WHERE v1.person_id = 27 AND v2.person_id = 28"
opg4j> pgqlStmt.execute(pgql)
$40 ==> false
opg4j>pgqlStmt.executeQuery("SELECT e.meeting_date FROM MATCH (v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person) WHERE v1.person_id = 27").print()
| MEETING_DATE          |
| 2022-02-12 00:00:00.0 |
String pgql ="UPDATE e SET (e.meeting_date = to_date('12/02/2022', 'DD/MM/YYYY')) "+
"FROM MATCH (v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person) "+
"WHERE v1.person_id = 27 AND v2.person_id = 28";
>>> pgql = """
...     UPDATE e SET (e.meeting_date = to_date('12/02/2022', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
...     FROM MATCH (v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person)
...     WHERE v1.person_id = 27 AND v2.person_id = 28
... """
>>> pgql_statement.execute(pgql)
>>> pgql_statement.execute_query("SELECT e.meeting_date FROM MATCH(v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person) WHERE v1.person_id = 27").print()
| MEETING_DATE          |
| 2022-02-12 00:00:00.0 |

A DELETE query allows deleting of vertices and edges in a graph. The following example executes a DELETE query to delete an edge in the graph.

opg4j> pgqlStmt.execute("DELETE e FROM MATCH (v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person) WHERE v.person_id=27")
$14 ==> false
pgqlStmt.execute("DELETE e FROM MATCH (v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person) WHERE v.person_id=27");
>>> pgql_statement.execute("DELETE e FROM MATCH (v1:Person)-[e:friendof]->(v2:Person) WHERE v1.person_id=27")