Executing UPDATE Queries Against a Graph in the Graph Server (PGX)

To execute UPDATE queries against a graph, use the PgxGraph.executePgql(String query) method.

The following is an example of INSERT query:

g.executePgql("INSERT VERTEX v " +
              "         LABELS ( Person ) " +
              "         PROPERTIES ( v.firstName = 'Camille', " +
              "                      v.lastName = ' Mullins' ) "); 

Note that the INTO clause of the INSERT can be omitted. If you use an INTO clause, the graph name in the INTO clause must correspond to the name of the PGX graph (PgxGraph.getName()) that the query is executed against.

The following is an example of UPDATE query:

// set the date of birth of Camille to 2014-11-15
g.executePgql("UPDATE v SET ( v.dob = DATE '2014-11-14' ) " +
              "FROM MATCH (v:Person) " +
              "WHERE v.firstName = 'Camille' AND v.lastName = ' Mullins' "); 

The following is an example of DELETE query:

// delete Camille from the graph
g.executePgql("DELETE v " +
              "FROM MATCH (v:Person) " +
              "WHERE v.firstName = 'Camille' AND v.lastName = 'Mullins' ");