Iterating a Query Result Set

You can iterate your query result set using the methods in PgqlResultSet.

You can position the cursor for iterating your query result set using the following methods:

  • first() : boolean
  • next() : boolean
  • previous() : boolean
  • last() : boolean
  • before_first()
  • after_last()
  • absolute(target_row_value) : boolean
  • relative(offset_value) : boolean

Once the cursor is positioned at the desired row, you can use the following getters to obtain values:

  • get(column_idx) : Object
  • get(column_name) : Object
  • get_boolean(column_idx) : boolean
  • get_boolean(column_name) : boolean
  • get_date(column_idx) : datetime.date
  • get_date(column_name) : datetime.date
  • get_float(column_idx) : Float
  • get_float(column_name) : Float
  • get_integer(column_idx) : Integer
  • get_integer(column_name) : Integer
  • get_list(column_idx) : List
  • get_list(column_name) : List
  • get_string(column_idx) : String
  • get_string(column_name) : String
  • get_time(column_idx) : datetime.time
  • get_time(column_name) : datetime.time
  • get_time_with_timezone(column_idx) : datetime.time
  • get_time_with_timezone(column_name) : datetime.time
  • get_timestamp(column_idx) : datetime.datetime
  • get_timestamp(column_name) : datetime.datetime
  • get_timestamp_with_timezone(column_idx) : datetime.datetime
  • get_timestamp_with_timezone(column_name) : datetime.datetime
  • get_value_type(column_idx) : Integer
  • get_value_type(column_name) : Integer
  • get_vertex_labels(column_idx) : List
  • get_vertex_labels(column_name) : List

See Retrieving PGQL-on-RDBMS results documentation for more information.

The following code samples illustrate cursor operations for iterating a result set using few of the cursor position and getter methods. These examples reference the query result set obtained in the example in the previous section.

# Call first() and retrieve value for "FROM_ACCT_ID"
>>> pgql_result_set.first()
>>> pgql_result_set.get("FROM_ACCT_ID")

# Call next() and retrieve value for "FROM_ACCT_ID"
>>> pgql_result_set.next()
>>> pgql_result_set.get("FROM_ACCT_ID")

# Call last() and retrieve value for "FROM_ACCT_ID"
>>> pgql_result_set.last()
>>> pgql_result_set.get("FROM_ACCT_ID")

# Call previous() and retrieve value for "FROM_ACCT_ID"
>>> pgql_result_set.previous()
>>> pgql_result_set.get("FROM_ACCT_ID")

# Reset the result set and offset by 6. Then retrieve value for "FROM_ACCT_ID"
>>> pgql_result_set.before_first()
>>> pgql_result_set.relative(6)
>>> pgql_result_set.get("FROM_ACCT_ID")

# Reach the end of the result set and offset by -2. Then retrieve value for "FROM_ACCT_ID"
>>> pgql_result_set.after_last()
>>> pgql_result_set.relative(-2)
>>> pgql_result_set.get("FROM_ACCT_ID")

# Call absolute() and provide an absolute row value. Then retrieve value for "FROM_ACCT_ID"
>>> pgql_result_set.absolute(3)
>>> pgql_result_set.get_float("FROM_ACCT_ID")

# Get a specific row or a set of rows
>>> pgql_result_set.get_slice(0,1)
[781.0, 712.0, 1000.0]

>>> pgql_result_set.get_row(0)
[781.0, 712.0, 1000.0]

Iterating a Result Set Using the Python Index Operator

You can also iterate through the query result set using the Python index operator as shown:

# Retrieving a value from a tuple
>>> pgql_result_set[4, "double", "FROM_ACCT_ID"]

# Retrieving a value using index value
>>> pgql_result_set[4].get("FROM_ACCT_ID")

# Fetch a row or a set of rows
>>> pgql_result_set[0:1]
[781.0, 712.0, 1000.0]

Iteration a Result Set Using a Python loop

Optionally, you can also iterate through the query result set using a Python loop. For example:

# Using the result set as an iterator of a for loop
>>> for result in pgql_result_set:
[781.0, 712.0, 1000.0]
[190.0, 555.0, 1000.0]
[191.0, 329.0, 1000.0]
[198.8. 57.0, 1000.0]
[220.0, 441.0, 1000.0]
[251.0, 387.0, 1000.0]
[254.0, 188.0, 1000.0]
[259.0, 305.0, 1000.0]
[261.0, 145.0, 1000.0]
[263.0, 40.0, 1000.0]