8.4.1 Loading a Graph

The following describes the steps for loading a graph:
  1. Create a Session and an Analyst.
    cd /opt/oracle/graph/
    // starting the shell will create an implicit session and analyst
    import oracle.pgx.api.*;
    import oracle.pgx.api.mllib.Pg2vecModel;
    import oracle.pgx.api.frames.*;
    PgxSession session = Pgx.createSession("my-session");
    Analyst analyst = session.createAnalyst();
    session = pypgx.get_session(session_name="my-session")
    analyst = session.create_analyst()
  2. Load the graph.
    opg4j> var graph = session.readGraphWithProperties("<path>/<graph.json>")
    PgxGraph graph = session.readGraphWithProperties("<path>/<graph.json>");
    graph = session.read_graph_with_properties("<path>/<graph.json>")