8.2.11 Loading a Pre-Trained Supervised GraphWise Model

You can load models from a database.

You can load a pre-trained Supervised GraphWise model from a model store table in database as described in the following code:

opg4j> var model = analyst.loadSupervisedGraphWiseModel().db().
                modelstore("modeltablename"). // name of the model store table
                modelname("model").           // model name (primary key of model store table)
SupervisedGraphWiseModel model = analyst.loadSupervisedGraphWiseModel().db()
     .modelstore("modeltablename") // name of the model store table
     .modelname("model")           // model name (primary key of model store table)
model = analyst.get_supervised_graphwise_model_loader(). \
                 db(model_store="modelstoretablename",  # name of the model store table
                    model_name="model")                 # model name (primary key of model store table)


All the preceding examples assume that you are loading the model from the current logged in database. If you must load the model from a different database then refer to the examples in Loading a Pre-Trained Model From Another Database.