6.8.8 PGQL Queries with Partitioned IDs

You can retrieve partitioned IDs using the id() function in PGQL.


The following are a few examples to retrieve partitioned IDs using PGQL SELECT queries:

g.queryPgql("SELECT id(n) FROM MATCH(n)").print().close()

This prints an output similar to:

| id(n)       |
| Accounts(2) |
| Accounts(4) |
| Accounts(6) |
g.queryPgql("SELECT n.name FROM MATCH(n) WHERE id(n) = 'Accounts(1)'").print().close()

The output is printed as shown:

| name  |
| User1 |
g.queryPgql("SELECT LABEL(n), n.name from MATCH(n) WHERE n.id = 1").print().close()

The output is printed as shown:

| label(n) | name  |
| Accounts | User1 |

PGX automatically creates a unique index for keys so that queries with predicates such as WHERE id(n) = 'Accounts(1)' and WHERE n.id = 1 can be efficiently processed by retrieving the vertex in constant time.

Using Bind Variables

Partitioned IDs can also be passed as bind values into a PgxPreparedStatement.

For example:

PgxPreparedStatement statement = g.preparePgql("SELECT n.name FROM MATCH (n) WHERE id(n)= ?")
statement.setString(1, "Accounts(1)")

This prints the output as shown:

| name  |
| User1 |


In INSERT queries, you must provide a value for the key property if a key property exists. The value is then used for the vertex or edge key.

For example you can execute an INSERT as shown:

g.executePgql("INSERT VERTEX v LABELS (Accounts) PROPERTIES (v.id = 1001, v.name = 'User1001')")

The inserted values can be verified as shown:

g.queryPgql("SELECT id(n), n.name FROM MATCH(n) WHERE n.id = 1001").print().close()

This prints the output:

| id(n)          | name     |
| Accounts(1001) | User1001 |