14 PGX Programming Guides

You can avail all the PGX functionalities through asynchronous Java APIs. Each asynchronous method has a synchronous equivalent, which blocks the caller thread until the server produces a response.

These APIs may perform one or any combination of:
  • Complex, non-blocking Java applications on top of PGX
  • Simple, sequential Java scripts executed by JShell
  • ShellPerforming interactive graph analysis in the JShell

Layers of PGX API

The PGX API is composed of a few different Java interfaces. Each interface provides a distinct layer of abstraction for PGX, as shown in the following table:

Table 14-1 PGX API Interface

Interface Description
ServerInstance The ServerInstance class encapsulates access to a PGX server instance and can be used to create sessions, start and stop the PGX engine, monitor the engine status and perform other administrative tasks. If the instance points to a remote instance, access to the administrative functions requires special authorization on the HTTP level by default.
PgxSession A PgxSession represents an active user currently connected to an instance. Each session gets its own workspace on the server side which can be used to read graphs, create in-memory data structures, hold analysis results and custom algorithms. The PgxSession class provides various methods to create new transient data (currently collections). If a session is idling for too long, the PGX engine will automatically destroy it to ensure no resources are wasted.
PgxGraph A PgxGraph represents a client-side handle to the graph data managed by the PGX server. A graph may contain an arbitrary amount of properties of type VertexProperty and/or EdgeProperty.


The PGX currently only supports non-partitioned graphs, meaning every vertex/edge has the same properties with the same names and types as all the other vertices/edges.
PgxGraph class provides various methods to create new transient data (including maps and collections) as well as graph mutation operations, such as undirecting, sorting and filtering.
Analyst The Analyst API contains all of the built-in algorithms PGX provides. Analyst objects keep track of all the transient data they created during algorithm invocations to hold analysis results. Once an Analyst gets destroyed, all the results it created get freed on the server-side automatically.
CompiledProgram The CompiledProgram class (PGX Algorithm API) encapsulates runtime-compiled custom algorithms and allows invocation of those algorithms using PGX data objects, such as PgxGraph or VertexProperty, as arguments.

Please see the oracle.pgx.api package in the Javadoc for more details.