Printing a Result Set

The following methods of PgqlResultSet (package oracle.pgx.api) are used to print a result set:

  • print() : PgqlResultSet
  • print(long numResults) : PgqlResultSet
  • print(long numResults, int from) : PgqlResultSet
  • print(PrintStream printStream, long numResults, int from) : PgqlResultSet

For example:

g.queryPgql("SELECT COUNT(*) AS numPersons FROM MATCH (n:Person)").print().close()
| numPersons |
| 3          |

Another example:

PgqlResultSet resultSet = g.queryPgql(
    "   SELECT owner.name AS account_holder, SUM(t.amount) AS total_transacted_with_Nikita "
  + "     FROM MATCH (p:Person) -[:ownerOf]-> (account1:Account) " 
  + "        , MATCH (account1) -[t:transaction]- (account2) "
  + "        , MATCH (account2:Account) <-[:ownerOf]- (owner:Person|Company) "
  + "    WHERE p.name = 'Nikita' "
  + " GROUP BY owner")

| account_holder | total_transacted_with_Nikita |
| Camille        | 1000.0                       |
| Oracle         | 4501.0                       |