Query Plan Explaining

The PgxGraph.explainPgql(String query) method is used to get insight into the query plan of the query. The method returns an instance of Operation (package oracle.pgx.api) which has the following methods:

  • print(): for printing the operation and its child operations
  • getOperationType(): for getting the type of the operation
  • getPatternInfo(): for getting a string representation of the operation
  • getCostEstimate(): for getting the cost of the operation
  • getTotalCostEstimate(): for getting the cost of the operations and its child operations
  • getCardinatlityEstimate(): for getting the expected number of result rows
  • getChildren(): for accessing the child operations

Consider the following example:

g.explainPgql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MATCH (n) -[e1]-> (m) -[e2]-> (o)").print()
\--- GROUP BY  GroupBy {"cardinality":"42", "cost":"42", "accumulatedCost":"58.1"}
     \--- (m) -[e2]-> (o) NeighborMatch {"cardinality":"3.12", "cost":"3.12", "accumulatedCost":"16.1"}
          \--- (n) -[e1]-> (m) NeighborMatch {"cardinality":"5", "cost":"5", "accumulatedCost":"13"}
               \--- (n) RootVertexMatch {"cardinality":"8", "cost":"8", "accumulatedCost":"8"}

In the above example, the print() method is used to print the query plan.

If a query plan is not optimal, it is often possible to rewrite the query to improve its performance. For example, a SELECT query may be split into an UPDATE and a SELECT query as a way to improve the total runtime.

Note that the graph server (PGX) does not provide a hint mechanism.