5.4.12 Reading a Graph from a Database into an Embedded Graph Server (PGX)

You can read a graph from Oracle Database into a graph server (PGX) that is embedded in the same client Java application (a single JVM). For the following example, a correct java.io.tmpdir setting is required.

int dop = 8;                    // need customization
Map<PgxConfig.Field, Object> confPgx = new HashMap<PgxConfig.Field, Object>();
confPgx.put(PgxConfig.Field.ENABLE_GM_COMPILER, false);
confPgx.put(PgxConfig.Field.NUM_WORKERS_IO, dop);   // 
confPgx.put(PgxConfig.Field.NUM_WORKERS_ANALYSIS, dop); // <= # of physical cores
confPgx.put(PgxConfig.Field.NUM_WORKERS_FAST_TRACK_ANALYSIS, 2);
confPgx.put(PgxConfig.Field.SESSION_TASK_TIMEOUT_SECS, 0);  // no timeout set
confPgx.put(PgxConfig.Field.SESSION_IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECS, 0);  // no timeout set

PgRdbmsGraphConfig cfg = GraphConfigBuilder.forPropertyGraphRdbms().setJdbcUrl("jdbc:oracle:thin:@<your_db_host>:<db_port>:<db_sid>")
OraclePropertyGraph opg = OraclePropertyGraph.getInstance(cfg);
ServerInstance localInstance = Pgx.getInstance();
PgxSession session = localInstance.createSession("session-id-1"); // Put your session description here.

Analyst analyst = session.createAnalyst();

// The following call will trigger a read of graph data from the database
PgxGraph pgxGraph = session.readGraphWithProperties(opg.getConfig());

long triangles = analyst.countTriangles(pgxGraph, false);
System.out.println("triangles " + triangles);

// Remove edge e1

// Remove vertex v1