7.4.3 Run a PGQL Query

HTTP Request: GET https://localhost:7007/ui/v1/query?pgql=<PGQL query>&graph=<graph>&parallelism=<value>&size=<size value>

Table 7-3 Query Parameters

Parameter Description Values
pgql PGQL query string <PGQL query>
graph Name of the graph <graph_name>
parallelism Degree of Parallelism <parallelism_value>
size Fetch size (= the number of rows) of the query result <size_value>


The following curl command executes PGQL Query on a property graph:

curl --cacert /etc/oracle/graph/ca_certificate.pem -b cookie.txt 'https://localhost:7007/ui/v1/query?pgql=SELECT%20e%0AMATCH%20()-%5Be%5D-%3E()%0ALIMIT%205&graph=hr&parallelism=&size=100'

Response: The PGQL query result in JSON format.

  "name": "bank_graph_analytics_2",
  "resultSetId": "pgql_14",
  "graph": {
    "idType": "number",
    "vertices": [
        "_id": "1",
        "p": [],
        "l": [
        "g": [
        "_id": "418",
        "p": [],
        "l": [
        "g": [
        "_id": "259",
        "p": [],
        "l": [
        "g": [
    "edges": [
        "_id": "0",
        "p": [
            "n": "AMOUNT",
            "v": "1000.0",
            "s": false
        "l": [
        "g": [
        "s": "1",
        "d": "259",
        "u": false
        "_id": "1",
        "p": [
            "n": "AMOUNT",
            "v": "1000.0",
            "s": false
        "l": [
        "g": [
        "s": "1",
        "d": "418",
        "u": false
    "paths": [],
    "totalNumResults": 2
  "table": "e\nPgxEdge[provider=Transfers,ID=0]\nPgxEdge[provider=Transfers,ID=1]"