Support for Selecting All Properties

You can use SELECT v.* to select all properties of the vertices or edges that bind to the variable v. For example:

SELECT label(n), n.* FROM MATCH (n) ORDER BY "number", "name"

On execution, the query output is as shown:

| label(n) | number | name    |
| Account  | 1001   | <null>  |
| Account  | 2090   | <null>  |
| Account  | 8021   | <null>  |
| Account  | 10039  | <null>  |
| Person   | <null> | Camille |
| Person   | <null> | Liam    |
| Person   | <null> | Nikita  |
| Company  | <null> | Oracle  |

You can use label expressions to select properties that belong to the specified vertex or edge labels. For example:

SELECT label(n), n.* FROM MATCH (n:Person) ORDER BY "name"

The preceding query retrieves all the properties for the specified Person label:

| label(n) | name    |
| Person   | Camille |
| Person   | Liam    |
| Person   | Nikita  |

You can also specify a PREFIX to avoid duplicate column names in cases where you select all properties using multiple variables. For example:

SELECT n.* PREFIX 'n_', e.* PREFIX 'e_', m.* PREFIX 'm_'
FROM MATCH (n:Account) -[e:transaction]-> (m:Account)
ORDER BY "e_amount"

The query output is as shown:

| n_number | e_amount | m_number |
| 10039    | 1000.0   | 8021     |
| 8021     | 1500.3   | 1001     |
| 8021     | 3000.7   | 1001     |
| 2090     | 9900.0   | 10039    |
| 1001     | 9999.5   | 2090     |