Using Identifiers in a Safe Manner

When you create a query through string concatenation, not only literals in queries pose a security risk, but also identifiers like graph names, labels, and property names do. The only problem is that bind variables are not supported for such identifier. Therefore, if these identifiers are variable from the application's perspective, then it is recommended to protect against query injection by passing the identifier through the oracle.pgql.lang.ir.PgqlUtils.printIdentifier(String identifier) method.

Given an identifier string, the method automatically adds double quotes to the start and end of the identifier and escapes the characters in the identifier appropriately.

Consider the following example:

String graphNamePrinted = printIdentifier("my graph name with \" special % characters ");
PreparedStatement stmnt = g.preparePgql(
  "SELECT COUNT(*) AS numVertices FROM MATCH (v) ON " + graphNamePrinted);