Limitations on WHERE and COST Clauses in Quantified Patterns

The WHERE and COST clauses in quantified patterns, such as reachability patterns or shortest and cheapest path patterns, are limited to referencing a single variable only.

The following are examples of queries that are not supported because the WHERE or COST clauses reference two variables e and x instead of zero or one:

... PATH p AS (n) –[e]-> (m) WHERE e.prop > m.prop ...
... SHORTEST ( (n) (-[e]-> (x) WHERE e.prop + x.prop > 10)* (m) ) ...
... CHEAPEST ( (n) (-[e]-> (x) COST e.prop + x.prop )* (m) ) ...

The following query is supported because the subquery only references a single variable a from the outer scope, while the variable c does not count since it is newly introduced in the subquery:

... PATH p AS (a) -> (b)
      WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM MATCH (a) -> (c) ) ...