6.3 Edge Patterns Have a Direction with PGQL

An edge pattern has a direction, as edges in graphs do. Thus, (a) <-[]- (b) specifies a case where b has an edge pointing at a, whereas (a) -[]-> (b) looks for an edge in the opposite direction.

The following example finds common friends of April and Chris who are older than both of them.

SELECT friend.name, friend.dob
FROM MATCH                  /* note the arrow directions below */
  (p1:person) -[:likes]-> (friend) <-[:likes]- (p2:person)
  p1.name = 'April' AND p2.name ='Chris' AND
  friend.dob > p1.dob AND friend.dob > p2.dob
ORDER BY friend.dob DESC 

For more examples of edge patterns, see the Edge Patterns section in the PGQL specification.