Enabling the Graph Visualization Application

This section explains the different modes of enabling the Graph Visualization application.

There are two ways you can use the Graph Visualization application:

  • Standalone mode

    If you install the Graph Server rpm file, the Graph Visualization application starts up by default when you start the PGX server.

  • Custom web container mode

    You can download the oracle-graph-webapps-<version>.zip package which contains a web application archive (WAR) file. You can deploy this file into your Oracle Weblogic 12.2 (or later) or Apache Tomcat (9.x or later) web containers.

    See Deploying the Graph Visualization Application for more information.

The Graph Visualization application requires the Oracle Graph Server to be installed as a prerequisite component.

See Installing Oracle Graph Server for more information.

To start the Graph Visualization application in standalone mode:
  1. Start the graph server (PGX) as shown:
    sudo systemctl start pgx
    The Graph Visualization application starts up by default.
  2. Configure your Graph Visualization application to trust the self-signed server certificate. See Configuring a Client to Trust the Self-Signed Certificate for more information.
  3. Connect to your browser for running the Graph Visualization application as shown
    One of the following messages may appear:
    • Your connection is not private
    • Your connection is not secure

    Click the Continue or Accept button to proceed.