Installing the Graph Zeppelin Interpreter Client

You can install the graph interpreter into your local Zeppelin installation.

As a prerequisite, you must have Java 8 set in your system for installing Apache Zeppelin.
You can perform the following steps to install the graph interpreter in your Zeppelin application:


The following steps were tested with Zeppelin version 0.9, and might have to be modified with newer versions.
  1. Download and install Apache Zeppelin.
  2. Download and install Apache Groovy 2.4.x
  3. Copy the following libraries:
    1. Copy the libraries from the Oracle Graph Client for Apache Zeppelin package into $ZEPPELIN_HOME/interpreter/pgx.
      unzip oracle-graph-zeppelin-interpreter-21.1.0.zip -d $ZEPPELIN_HOME/interpreter/pgx
    2. Copy the libraries inside $GROOVY_HOME/lib into $ZEPPELIN_HOME/interpreter/pgx.
      cp $GROOVY_HOME/lib/* $ZEPPELIN_HOME/interpreter/pgx
  4. Configure your graph Zeppelin interpreter client application to trust the self-signed server certificate. See Configuring a Client to Trust the Self-Signed Certificate for more information.
  5. Restart Zeppelin.