5.4.8 Opening and Closing a Property Graph Instance

When describing a property graph, use these Oracle Property Graph classes to open and close the property graph instance properly:

  • OraclePropertyGraph.getInstance: Opens an instance of an Oracle property graph. This method has two parameters, the connection information and the graph name.

  • OraclePropertyGraph.clearRepository: Removes all vertices and edges from the property graph instance.

  • OraclePropertyGraph.shutdown: Closes the graph instance.

For Oracle Database, the OraclePropertyGraph.getInstance method uses an Oracle instance to manage the database connection. OraclePropertyGraph has a set of constructors that let you set the graph name, number of hash partitions, degree of parallelism, tablespace, and options for storage (such as compression). For example:

import oracle.pg.rdbms.*;
Oracle oracle = new Oracle(jdbcURL, username, password);

OraclePropertyGraph opg = OraclePropertyGraph.getInstance(oracle, graphName);
//     .
//     .  Graph description
//     .
// Close the graph instance

If the in-memory analyst functions are required for an application, you should use GraphConfigBuilder to create a graph for Oracle Database, and instantiate OraclePropertyGraph with that graph name as an argument. For example, the following code snippet constructs a graph config, gets an OraclePropertyGraph instance, loads some data into that graph, and gets an in-memory analyst.

import oracle.pgx.config.*;
import oracle.pgx.api.*;
import oracle.pgx.common.types.*;

PgNosqlGraphConfig cfg = GraphConfigBuilder. forPropertyGraphRdbms ()
       .addEdgeProperty("lbl", PropertyType.STRING, "lbl")
       .addEdgeProperty("weight", PropertyType.DOUBLE, "1000000")
  OraclePropertyGraph opg = OraclePropertyGraph.getInstance(cfg);  
  String szOPVFile = "../../data/connections.opv";
  String szOPEFile = "../../data/connections.ope";
  // perform a parallel data load
  OraclePropertyGraphDataLoader opgdl = OraclePropertyGraphDataLoader.getInstance();
  opgdl.loadData(opg, szOPVFile, szOPEFile, 2 /* dop */, 1000, true, "PDML=T,PDDL=T,NO_DUP=T,"); 
  PgxSession session = Pgx.createSession("session-id-1");
  PgxGraph g = session.readGraphWithProperties(cfg);

  Analyst analyst = session.createAnalyst();