5.6.5 Pivot

The PIVOT clause lets you dynamically add columns to a table to create a new table.

The schema design (VT$ and GE$) of the property graph is narrow ("skinny") rather than wide ("fat"). This means that if a vertex or edge has multiple properties, those property keys, values, data types, and so on will be stored using multiple rows instead of multiple columns. Such a design is very flexible in the sense that you can add properties dynamically without having to worry about adding too many columns or even reaching the physical maximum limit of number of columns a table may have. However, for some applications you may prefer to have a wide table if the properties are somewhat homogeneous.

Example 5-17 Pivot

The following CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT statement uses PIVOT to add four columns: ‘company’,’ occupation’,’ name’, and ‘religion’.

SQL> CREATE TABLE table pg_wide
 with G AS (select vid, k, t, v
              from connectionsVT$
 select *
   from G
  pivot (
    min(v) for k in ('company', 'occupation', 'name', 'religion')

Table created.

The following DESCRIBE statement shows the definition of the new table, including the four added columns. (The output is reformatted for readability.)

SQL> DESCRIBE pg_wide;
 Name                                                  Null?    Type
--------------------------------------------------- -------- --------------------
 VID                                                   NOT NULL NUMBER
 T                                                              NUMBER(38)
 'company'                                                      NVARCHAR2(15000)
 'occupation'                                                   NVARCHAR2(15000)
 'name'                                                         NVARCHAR2(15000)
 'religion'                                                     NVARCHAR2(15000)