1.9.2 Three-Tier Mode

In three-tier mode, the client graph application connects to the graph server (PGX) in the middle tier, and the graph server connects to Oracle Database.

The graph can be loaded from the property graph schema into the graph server, or directly from database tables into the graph server.

  • Loading a Graph from Property Graph Schema:

    Loading a graph from the property graph schema into memory in the graph server is the same as in the two-tier mode.

  • Loading a Graph Directly from Database Tables:

    When you load the graph from database tables into memory in the graph server, you create the graph in memory by directly reading data from the database tables. You do not create a graph in the property graph schema.

    For more information about loading a graph from database tables into memory, see Store the Database Password in a Keystore.

After the graph is loaded into memory, you can run PGQL queries on this graph from JShell shell, Java application, or the graph visualization tool. You can run graph analytics API from JShell shell or Java application, and visualize the results in the graph visualization application (GraphViz).