Oracle® Graph Javascript API Reference
for Property Graph Visualization

Release 23.1.0, F76060-01

The Oracle Graph Visualization Library has the following interface:




interface Graph {
  // Graph vertices
  vertices: Vertex[];
  // Graph edges
  edges: Edge[];
  // Number of results used for pagination
  numResults?: number;

declare type Id = string | number;

interface Entity {
  // Entity id
  id: Id;
  // Arbitrary entity properties
  properties?: TypedMap<string | number | boolean>;
  // Entity classes used for styling
  classes?: string[];
  // Inline style
  style?: Style;

interface Vertex extends Entity {}

interface Edge extends Entity {
  // Source vertex id
  source: Id;
  // Target vertex id
  target: Id;


interface Settings {
  // Size of pagination page (default 100)
  pageSize: number;
  // Whether to group edges with the same source and target (default false)
  groupEdges: boolean;
  // Layout type or LayoutSettings (default force)
  layout: string | LayoutSettings;
  // Network Evolution configuration
  evolution: Evolution;

type LayoutSettings =
  | CircleLayoutSettings
  | ConcentricLayoutSettings
  | ForceLayoutSettings
  | GridLayoutSettings
  | HierarchicalLayoutSettings
  | PresetLayoutSettings
  | RadialLayoutSettings
  | RandomLayoutSettings;

type LayoutType = 'circle' | 'concentric' | 'force' | 'grid' | 'hierarchical' | 'preset' | 'radial' | 'random';

interface BaseLayoutSettings {
  type: LayoutType;

interface SpacingLayoutSettings {
  // Spacing among vertices in multiples of vertex radius
  spacing: number;

interface CircleLayoutSettings extends BaseLayoutSettings, SpacingLayoutSettings {
  type: 'circle';

interface ConcentricLayoutSettings extends BaseLayoutSettings, SpacingLayoutSettings {
  type: 'concentric';

interface ForceLayoutSettings extends BaseLayoutSettings, SpacingLayoutSettings {
  type: 'force';
  alphaDecay: number; // (default 0.01)
  velocityDecay: number; // (default 0.1)
  edgeDistance: number; // (default 100)
  vertexCharge: number; // (default -60)

interface GridLayoutSettings extends BaseLayoutSettings, SpacingLayoutSettings {
  type: 'grid';

type HierarchicalRankDirection =
  | 'UL' // Up to left
  | 'UR' // Up to right
  | 'DL' // Down to left
  | 'DR' // Down to right
  | 'TB' // Top to bottom
  | 'BT' // Bottom to top
  | 'LR' // Left to right
  | 'RL'; // Right to left

type HierarchicalRanker = 'network-simplex' | 'tight-tree' | 'longest-path';

interface HierarchicalLayoutSettings extends BaseLayoutSettings {
  type: 'hierarchical';
  // (default 'TB')
  rankDirection: HierarchicalRankDirection;
  // (default 'network-simplex')
  ranker: HierarchicalRanker;
  vertexSeparation?: number;
  edgeSeparation?: number;
  rankSeparation?: number;

interface PresetLayoutSettings extends BaseLayoutSettings {
  type: 'preset';
  // Property of the vertex used as x coordinate
  x: string;
  // Property of the vertex used as y coordinate
  y: string;

interface RadialLayoutSettings extends BaseLayoutSettings, SpacingLayoutSettings {
  type: 'radial';

interface RandomLayoutSettings extends BaseLayoutSettings {
  type: 'random';

interface EvolutionEntity {
  // Start property
  start: string;
  // End property
  end?: string;

interface Evolution {
  // Height of the UI component (default 100)
  height: number;
  // Type of the chart (default 'bar')
  chart: 'bar' | 'line';
  // Aggregation granularity in given unit (default 1)
  granularity: number;
  // Time unit or undefined for numbers (default undefined)
  unit?: 'second' | 'minute' | 'hour' | 'day' | 'week' | 'month' | 'year';
  // Vertex Evolution properties (or just string specifying Start property)
  vertex?: string | EvolutionEntity;
  // Edge Evolution properties (or just string specifying Start property)
  edge?: string | EvolutionEntity;
  // Defines exlusion of values
  exclude: {
    // Array of excluded values
    values: (string | number)[];
    // Whether to always show or hide excluded values (default false)
    show: boolean;
  // Playback options
  playback: {
    // Number of vertex / edge changes per step
    step: number;
    // Number of milliseconds between steps
    timeout: number;

All the properties in settings are optional and have their defaults.


type Styles = TypedMap<VertexStyle | EdgeStyle>;

interface Style extends ElementPosition {
  // (default vertex: lightgray, edge: #C0C0C0)
  color: string;
  // (default 1)
  opacity: number;
  // Css filter (default none)
  filter: string;
  // Label settings or just label text or null for no label
  label: LabelStyle | string | null;
  // Legend style or just legend text or null for no legend
  legend: Style | string | null;
  // Definitions of child elements (e.g. vertex / edge badges)
  children: TypedMap<VertexStyle> | null;

interface VertexStyle extends Style {
  // Vertex radius (default 8)
  size: number;
  // Background image settings or just url or null for no background
    | string
    | {
        // Image url (default undefined)
        url: string;
        // Image scale (default 1)
        scale?: number;
    | null;
  // Vertex border settings or just color or null for no border
    | string
    | {
        // Border width (default 1)
        width?: number;
        // Border color (default #404040)
        color?: string;
    | null;
  // Vertex icon settings or just class or null for no icon
    | string
    | {
        // Icon class e.g. fa-bell (default undefined)
        class: string;
        // Icon text color (default white)
        color?: string;
    | null;

interface EdgeStyle extends Style {
  // Edge width (default 2)
  width: number;
  // Fill pattern (default undefined)
  dasharray: string;

// Position of the label or child vertex
interface ElementPosition {
  // Angle position in degrees on the vertex range or null to position into
  // center
  angle?: number | null;
  // Position on the edge, value between -1 (edge start) and 1 (edge end)
  position?: number;
  // Offset from: vertex radius (> 0: outside, < 0: inside) or edge path
  // (> 0: above, < 0: under)
  d: number;

interface LabelStyle {
  // Label text
  text: string;
  // Color (default rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8))
  color: string;
  // Label max length (default 15), the whole label is displayed in tooltip
  maxLength: number;
  font: {
    // Font size (default 10)
    size?: number;
    // Font family (default inherited)
    family?: string;
    // Font style (default inherited)
    style?: string;
    // Font weight (default inherited)
    weight?: string;

Styling is defined as an object, where keys are the rule expressions and values are VertexStyle or EdgeStyle. For each style, all the properties are optional and have their defaults. Besides specifying constant value for given style property it is also possible to use style expressions.

Style Expressions

These expressions can access anything from the ExpressionContext which extends Entity so also all the properties of the vertex / edge that is styled.

interface ExpressionContext extends Entity {
  // Helper function for value interpolation
  // path: path to the ExpressionContext property that will be interpolated
  // (e.g. 'id', 'properties.someProperty')
  // min: minimum interpolation result value
  // max: maximum interpolation result value
  interpolate: (path: string, min: number, max: number) => number;
  // Previous value of evaluated property
  previous?: number | string;

Context is accessed through ${accessor} syntax (aka JavaScript template literals). Example expressions:

Rule Expressions

Rule expressions are used to specify the target element into which given style will be applied. It has the following form:

Example rules:


type FeatureFlags =
  | false
  | NestedFlags<{
      // false to hide the whole exploration
      exploration: {
        // false to hide expand
        expand: boolean;
        focus: boolean;
        group: boolean;
        ungroup: boolean;
        drop: boolean;
        undo: boolean;
        redo: boolean;
        reset: boolean;
      // false to hide all modes
      modes: {
        // false to hide interaction mode
        interaction: boolean;
        fitToScreen: boolean;
        sticky: boolean;
      // false to hide pagination
      pagination: boolean;

type NestedFlags<T> = {
  readonly [P in keyof T]?: T[P] extends object ? false | NestedFlags<T[P]> : T[P];


// start: starting index of the pagination
// size: page size (from settings.pageSize)
// Returns Graph of given page
(start: number, size: number) => Promise<Graph>

If provided, data does not have to be set and graph visualization will automatically fetch the first page on initial render. If not provided, pagination is hidden.


// ids: ids of the selected vertices to expand from
// hops: number of hops to fetch from selected vertices
// Returns expanded Graph
(ids: Id[], hops: number) => Promise<Graph>

If not provided, expand / focus is hidden.


// id: id of the child vertex targeted with the event(if any)
// entity: the entity or parent of the vertex(identified by the id parameter) targeted with the event
type EntityEventCallback = (event: Event, id: Optional<string>, entity: Entity) => void;

// eventType: supported <g> element event attributes without the -on- prefix
// children: event handlers for child entities
interface _EntityEventHandlers {
  [eventType: string]: EntityEventCallback | _EntityEventHandlers;
  children?: EntityEventHandlers;

type EntityEventHandlers = Optional<_EntityEventHandlers>;

// vertex: callbacks that handle events fired by vertices
// edge: callbacks that handle events fired by edges
interface _AllEventHandlers {
  vertex: EntityEventHandlers;
  edge: EntityEventHandlers;

type AllEventHandlers = Partial<_AllEventHandlers>;


type GraphActionType = 'drop' | 'expand' | 'focus' | 'group' | 'ungroup' | 'undo' | 'redo' | 'reset';

// vertexIds: ids of the vertices targeted with the action
// edgeIds: ids of the edges targeted with the action
interface GraphAction {
  type: GraphActionType;
  vertexIds?: NonEmptyArray<Id>;
  edgeIds?: NonEmptyArray<Id>;

// action: the graph action to persist to a datasource
type Persist = (action: GraphAction) => Promise<void>;


// Gets executed only once when the graph loads for the first time
// Contains code to retrieve graph actions to apply on the graph initially
type FetchActions = () => Promise<GraphAction[]>;