23.5.1 Altering Graphs

This section explains the graph alteration mutation used to add or remove vertex and edge providers of a graph.

You can add or remove vertex and edge providers in a graph that has been loaded or created previously. Providers can be added from existing datasources, or new empty providers can be created. The mutation can either create a new independent graph, or create a new snapshot for the graph.

The following topics explain in detail on adding and removing vertex and edge providers:

You must first create a graph-alteration builder to start altering an existing graph. For example, the following code shows how to start a graph alteration on a graph that is stored in a variable graph:

opg-jshell> var alterationBuilder = graph.alterGraph()
import oracle.pgx.api.*;
import oracle.pgx.api.graphalteration.GraphAlterationBuilder;

GraphAlterationBuilder alterationBuilder = graph.alterGraph();
alteration_builder = graph.alter_graph()