A.4.9 Creating Vertices

To create a vertex, use these Oracle Property Graph methods:

  • OraclePropertyGraph.addVertex: Adds a vertex instance to a graph.

  • OracleVertex.setProperty: Assigns a key-value property to a vertex.

  • OraclePropertyGraph.commit: Saves all changes to the property graph instance.

The following code fragment creates two vertices named V1 and V2, with properties for age, name, weight, height, and sex in the opg property graph instance. The v1 properties set the data types explicitly.

// Create vertex v1 and assign it properties as key-value pairs
Vertex v1 = opg.addVertex(1l);
  v1.setProperty("age",  Integer.valueOf(31));
  v1.setProperty("name", "Alice");
  v1.setProperty("weight", Float.valueOf(135.0f));
  v1.setProperty("height", Double.valueOf(64.5d));
  v1.setProperty("female", Boolean.TRUE);
Vertex v2 = opg.addVertex(2l);
  v2.setProperty("age",  27);
  v2.setProperty("name", "Bob");
  v2.setProperty("weight", Float.valueOf(156.0f));
  v2.setProperty("height", Double.valueOf(69.5d));
  v2.setProperty("female", Boolean.FALSE);