Error Handling when Using a ChangeSet

Error handling while populating a ChangeSet or while applying a ChangeSet to the existing graph can be configured by setting the InvalidChangePolicy. The options are:

  • OnInvalidChange.ERROR: throws an exception (This is the default configuration)
  • OnInvalidChange.IGNORE: ignores the issue and continues
  • OnInvalidChange.IGNORE_AND_LOG: ignores the issue, logs in DEBUG log level and continues
  • OnInvalidChange.IGNORE_AND_LOG_ONCE: only logs the first occurrence of each issue type

Issues that can be ignored with InvalidChangePolicy include trying to remove a vertex or an edge that does not exist in the graph, property type mismatch, updates to non existing properties, providing a vertex ID with wrong type or invalid vertex or edge providers.

The following example, tries to remove vertex 9032 which does not exist in the graph. By configuring IGNORE_AND_LOG, this action will be ignored while the property value update for vertex 99 will be applied successfully.

opg4j> var changeSet3 = updatedGraph2.<Integer>createChangeSet()
opg4j> changeSet3.setInvalidChangePolicy(OnInvalidChange.IGNORE_AND_LOG)

opg4j> changeSet3.removeVertex(9032)
opg4j> changeSet3.updateVertex(99).setProperty("prop1", 17)
opg4j> var updatedGraph3 = changeSet3.build() // will log that a vertex removal was ignored

opg4j> var prop1Val = updatedGraph3.getVertex(99).getProperty("prop1") // evaluates to 17
import oracle.pgx.api.*;

GraphChangeSet<Integer> changeSet3 = graph.createChangeSet();
changeSet3.updateVertex(99).setProperty("prop1", 17);
PgxGraph updatedGraph3 = changeSet3.build(); // will log that a vertex removal was ignored

int prop1Val = updatedGraph3.getVertex(99).getProperty("prop1"); // evaluates to 17


When connecting to a remote graph server (PGX), error handling log messages will not be relayed to the client. In such a case, you need access to the server logs to determine which issues have been ignored. For this, you must update the default Logback configuration file in /etc/oracle/graph/logback.xml and the graph server (PGX) logger configuration file in /etc/oracle/graph/logback-server.xml to log the DEBUG logs. You can then view the ignored issues in /var/opt/log/pgx-server.log file.

Add Existing Edges and Vertices

The error handling for adding a vertex or an edge where its ID is already used in the graph or in an incompatible ChangeSet action can be configured with AddExistingVertexPolicy and AddExistingEdgePolicy.


The default setting for AddExistingVertexPolicy and AddExistingEdgePolicy is IGNORE. This is different from InvalidChangePolicy where the default is ERROR.