6 Executing PGQL Queries Against SQL Property Graphs

You can directly run PGQL queries against a SQL property graph in the database.

The PGQL query execution flow is shown in the following figure:

Figure 6-1 PGQL on SQL Property Graphs in Oracle Database

Description of Figure 6-1 follows
Description of "Figure 6-1 PGQL on SQL Property Graphs in Oracle Database"

The basic execution flow is:

  1. The PGQL query is performed on a SQL property graph through a Java API.
  2. The PGQL query is translated to SQL/PGQ (GRAPH_TABLE query).
  3. The translated SQL/PGQ is submitted to Oracle Database by JDBC.
  4. The SQL/PGQ result set is wrapped as a PGQL result set and returned to the caller.

See Supported PGQL Features and Limitations for SQL Property Graphs for a complete list of supported and unsupported features.