A.1 Property Graph Schema Objects for Oracle Database

The property graph PL/SQL and Java APIs use special Oracle Database schema objects.

This topic describes objects related to the property graph schema approach to working with graph data.

Oracle Spatial and Graph lets you store, query, manipulate, and query property graph data in Oracle Database. For example, to create a property graph named myGraph, you can use either the Java APIs (oracle.pg.rdbms.OraclePropertyGraph) or the PL/SQL APIs (MDSYS.OPG_APIS package).

With the PL/SQL API:

           dop => 4,             -- degree of parallelism
           num_hash_ptns => 8,   -- number of hash partitions used to store the graph
           tbs => 'USERS',       -- tablespace
           options => 'COMPRESS=T'

With the Java API:

  cfg = GraphConfigBuilder

  OraclePropertyGraph opg = OraclePropertyGraph.getInstance(cfg);