A.4.4 Using Optimization Flags on Reads over Property Graph Data

Oracle Spatial and Graph provides support for optimization flags to improve graph iteration performance. Optimization flags allow processing vertices (or edges) as objects with none or minimal information, such as ID, label, and/or incoming/outgoing vertices. This way, the time required to process each vertex (or edge) during iteration is reduced.

The following table shows the optimization flags available when processing vertices (or edges) in a property graph.

Optimization Flag Description
DO_NOT_CREATE_OBJECT Use a predefined constant object when processing vertices or edges.
JUST_EDGE_ID Construct edge objects with ID only when processing edges.
JUST_LABEL_EDGE_ID Construct edge objects with ID and label only when processing edges.
JUST_LABEL_VERTEX_EDGE_ID Construct edge objects with ID, label, and in/out vertex IDs only when processing edges
JUST_VERTEX_EDGE_ID Construct edge objects with just ID and in/out vertex IDs when processing edges.
JUST_VERTEX_ID Construct vertex objects with ID only when processing vertices.

The following code fragment uses a set of optimization flags to retrieve only all the IDs from the vertices and edges in the property graph. The objects retrieved by reading all vertices and edges will include only the IDs and no Key/Value properties or additional information.

import oracle.pg.common.OraclePropertyGraphBase.OptimizationFlag;
OraclePropertyGraph opg = OraclePropertyGraph.getInstance(
 args, szGraphName);

// Clear existing vertices/edges in the property graph 

String szOPVFile = "../../data/connections.opv";
String szOPEFile = "../../data/connections.ope";

// This object will handle parallel data loading
OraclePropertyGraphDataLoader opgdl = OraclePropertyGraphDataLoader.getInstance();
opgdl.loadData(opg, szOPVFile, szOPEFile, dop); 

// Optimization flag to retrieve only vertices IDs
OptimizationFlag optFlagVertex = OptimizationFlag.JUST_VERTEX_ID;

// Optimization flag to retrieve only edges IDs
OptimizationFlag optFlagEdge = OptimizationFlag.JUST_EDGE_ID;

// Print all vertices
Iterator<Vertex> vertices = 
opg.getVertices((String[])null /* Match any of the 
properties */,
null /* Match the VertexFilterCallback */, 
optFlagVertex /* optimization flag */ 

System.out.println("----- Vertices IDs----");
long vCount = 0;
while (vertices.hasNext()) {
OracleVertex v = vertices.next();
System.out.println((Long) v.getId());
System.out.println("Vertices found: " + vCount);

// Print all edges
Iterator<Edge> edges =
opg.getEdges((String[])null /* Match any of the properties */,
null /* Match the EdgeFilterCallback */, 
optFlagEdge /* optimization flag */ 

System.out.println("----- Edges ----");
long eCount = 0;
while (edges.hasNext()) {
Edge e = edges.next();
System.out.println((Long) e.getId());
System.out.println("Edges found: " + eCount);

By default, all reading operations such as get all vertices, get all edges (and parallel approaches) will use the optimization flag associated with the property graph using the method opg.setDefaultVertexOptFlag(optFlagVertex) and opg.setDefaultEdgeOptFlag(optFlagEdge). If the optimization flags for processing vertices and edges are not defined, then all the information about the vertices and edges will be retrieved.

The following code fragment uses the default optimization flags set on the property graph to retrieve only all the IDs from its vertices and edges.

import oracle.pg.common.OraclePropertyGraphBase.OptimizationFlag;

// Optimization flag to retrieve only vertices IDs
OptimizationFlag optFlagVertex = OptimizationFlag.JUST_VERTEX_ID;

// Optimization flag to retrieve only edges IDs
OptimizationFlag optFlagEdge = OptimizationFlag.JUST_EDGE_ID;


Iterator<Vertex> vertices = opg.getVertices().iterator();
System.out.println("----- Vertices IDs----");
long vCount = 0;
while (vertices.hasNext()) {
OracleVertex v = vertices.next();
System.out.println((Long) v.getId());
System.out.println("Vertices found: " + vCount);

// Print all edges
Iterator<Edge> edges = opg.getEdges().iterator();
System.out.println("----- Edges ----");
long eCount = 0;
while (edges.hasNext()) {
Edge e = edges.next();
System.out.println((Long) e.getId());
System.out.println("Edges found: " + eCount);