
G  L  M  O  P  R  S  


  • graph server (PGX) and client
    • installation 13
    • workflow 13.1
  • graph visualization application VI
    • embedding graph visualization library 19.3
    • installation 13.3.2
    • Kerberos enabled authentication 19.2
    • using the graph visualization application 20
      • visualizing graph queries on SQL property graph 20.2.2
      • visualizing PGQL queries
        • graphs in the database 20.2.1
        • graphs in the graph server(PGX) 20.1


  • log management in the graph server (PGX) 27


  • memory consumption by the graph server 22


  • operators
    • EDGE_ID 5.4
    • GRAPH_TABLE operator 5
    • VERTEX_ID 5.4
  • Oracle Graph clients
  • Oracle Graph Server (PGX)
    • configuration
      • graph server configuration parameters in server.conf file 14.1.2
      • runtime configuration parameters in pgx.conf file 21.1
    • connecting to the graph server 14.2
    • installation 13.2
      • deploying behind a load balancer 23
      • deploy to Apache Tomcat
      • deploy to Oracle WebLogic server
      • rpm 13.2.1
    • kerberos enabled authentication
    • learn about the graph server 1.4
    • log management 27
    • starting the graph server 14.1
    • using the graph server V
    • working with files 26



  • REST Endpoints for Graph Server 18
    • DELETE: Cancel a Query Execution 18.6.3
    • GET: Check a Query Completion 18.6.2
    • GET: Get User 18.4
    • GET: List Graphs 18.2
    • GET: Retrieve a Query Result 18.6.4
    • GET: Run a PGQL Query 18.3
    • GET: Run a PGQL Query Asynchronously 18.6.1
    • POST: Login 18.1
    • POST: Logout 18.5


  • setting up TLS (Transport layer Security) 13.4
    • using self-signed server certificate 13.4.2
    • using self-signed server keystore 13.4.1
  • SQL Developer
    • querying PG Views 11.5.2
    • querying SQL property graphs 5.11
  • SQL property graphs II
    • create a SQL property graph 4.1
    • drop a SQL property graph 4.3
    • granting privileges 4.1.5
    • GRAPH_TABLE queries 5
    • quick start 3.1
    • revalidate a SQL property graph 4.2
    • using JSON columns 4.4