16.7.7 Computing Similars for a Graphlet Batch

You can fetch the k most similar graphlets for a batch of input graphlets as described in the following code:

opg4j> var graphlets = new ArrayList()
opg4j> graphlets.add(52)
opg4j> graphlets.add(41)
opg4j> var batchedSimilars = model.computeSimilars(graphlets, 10)
List graphlets = Arrays.asList(52,41);
PgxFrame batchedSimilars = model.computeSimilars(graphlets,10);
batched_similars = model.compute_similars([52,41],10)
Searching for similar vertices for graphlet with ID = 52 and ID = 41 using the trained model and printing it with batched_similars.print(), will result in the following output:
| srcGraphlet | dstGraphlet | similarity         |
| 52          | 52          | 1.0                |
| 52          | 10          | 0.8748674392700195 |
| 52          | 23          | 0.8551455140113831 |
| 52          | 26          | 0.8493421673774719 |
| 52          | 47          | 0.8411962985992432 |
| 52          | 25          | 0.8281504511833191 |
| 52          | 43          | 0.8202780485153198 |
| 52          | 24          | 0.8179885745048523 |
| 52          | 8           | 0.796689510345459  |
| 52          | 9           | 0.7947834134101868 |
| 41          | 41          | 1.0                |
| 41          | 197         | 0.9653506875038147 |
| 41          | 84          | 0.9552277326583862 |
| 41          | 157         | 0.9465565085411072 |
| 41          | 65          | 0.9287481307983398 |
| 41          | 248         | 0.9177336096763611 |
| 41          | 315         | 0.9043129086494446 |
| 41          | 92          | 0.8998928070068359 |
| 41          | 297         | 0.8897411227226257 |
| 41          | 50          | 0.8810243010520935 |