6.1 Loading a SQL Property Graph Using the readGraphByName API

You can load a SQL property graph into the graph server (PGX) by calling the readGraphByName API on a PgxSession object.

When loading a SQL property graph into the graph server (PGX), the full graph schema will be determined and mapped to a graph configuration. The graphs will be loaded as partitioned graphs where each vertex or edge table will be mapped to the respective vertex or edge provider of the same name. Labels and properties will also be loaded as defined.

However, note that only one label per vertex or edge table is supported in order to load a SQL graph into the graph server (PGX).

For example, consider the following SQL property graph:

    persons KEY (person_id)
      LABEL person
        PROPERTIES (person_id, name, birthdate AS dob)
    friendships AS friends
      KEY (friendship_id)
      SOURCE KEY (person_a) REFERENCES persons(person_id)
      DESTINATION KEY (person_b) REFERENCES persons(person_id)
      PROPERTIES (friendship_id, meeting_date)

You can load this SQL graph into memory as shown:

opg4j> var graph = session.readGraphByName ("STUDENT_NETWORK",GraphSource.PG_SQL)
graph ==> PgxGraph[name=STUDENTS_NETWORK,N=4,E=4,created=1681007796946]
PgxGraph graph = session.readGraphByName("STUDENT_NETWORK", GraphSource.PG_SQL);
>>> graph = session.read_graph_by_name("STUDENT_NETWORK", "pg_sql")
>>> graph
PgxGraph(name: STUDENTS_NETWORK, v: 4, e: 4, directed: True, memory(Mb): 0)