27.1.1 Graph Configuration for Loading from File

The following table presents the graph configuration options to load graph data from all supported file formats to the graph server (PGX).

Table 27-1 Loading from File - Graph Configuration Options

Field Type Description Default
array_compaction_threshold number [only relevant if the graph is optimized for updates] Threshold used to determined when to compact the delta-logs into a new array. If lower than the engine min_array_compaction_threshold value, min_array_compaction_threshold will be used instead. 0.2
attributes object Additional attributes needed to read and write the graph data. null
detect_gzip boolean Enable or disable automatic gzip compression detection when loading graphs. true
edge_id_strategy enum[no_ids, keys_as_ids, unstable_generated_ids] Indicates what ID strategy should be used for the edges of this graph. If not specified (or set to null), the strategy will be determined during loading or using a default value. null
edge_id_type enum[long] Type of the edge ID. For homogeneous graphs, if not specified (or set to null), it will default to long. null
edge_props array of object Specification of edge properties associated with graph. []
edge_uris array of string List of unified resource identifiers. []
error_handling object Error handling configuration. null
external_stores array of object Specification of the external stores where external string properties reside. []
format enum[pgb, edge_list, adj_list, graphml, pg, rdf, two_tables] Graph format to be used. null
header boolean First line of file is meant for headers. For example, 'EdgeId, SourceId, DestId, EdgeProp1, EdgeProp2' false
keystore_alias string Alias to the keystore to use when connecting to the database. null
loading object Loading-specific configuration. null
local_date_format array of string Array of local_date formats to use when loading and storing local_date properties. See DateTimeFormatter for documentation of the format string. []
optimized_for enum[read, updates] Indicates if the graph must use data-structures optimized for read-intensive scenarios or for fast updates. read
partition_while_loading enum[by_label, no] Indicates if the graph must partitioned while loading. null
password string Password to use when connecting to database. null
point2d string Longitude and latitude as floating point values separated by a space. 0.0 0.0
separator string A series of single-character separators for tokenizing. The characters ", {, } and \n cannot be used as separators. Default value is "," for CSV files, and "\t " for other formats. The first character will be used as a separator when storing. null
storing object Storing-specific configuration. null
time_format array of string The time format to use when loading and storing time properties. See DateTimeFormatter for documentation of the format string. []
time_with_timezone_format array of string The time with timezone format to use when loading and storing time with timezone properties. See DateTimeFormatter for documentation of the format string. []
timestamp_format array of string The timestamp format to use when loading and storing timestamp properties. See DateTimeFormatter for documentation of the format string. []
timestamp_with_timezone_format array of string The timestamp with timezone format to use when loading and storing timestamp with timezone properties. See DateTimeFormatter for documentation of the format string. []
vector_component_delimiter character Delimiter for the different components of vector properties. ;
vertex_id_strategy enum[no_ids, keys_as_ids, unstable_generated_ids] Indicates what ID strategy should be used for the vertices of this graph. If not specified (or set to null), the strategy will be automatically detected. null
vertex_id_type enum[int, integer, long, string] Type of the vertex ID. For homogeneous graphs, if not specified (or set to null), it will default to a specific value (depending on the origin of the data). null
vertex_props array of object Specification of vertex properties associated with graph. []
vertex_uris array of string List of unified resource identifiers. []

In the CSV format, the columns used to specify the vertex ID column, vertex labels column, edge ID column, edge source ID column, edge destination ID column and the edge label column can be configured with the CSV specific fields as shown in the following table:

Table 27-2 CSV Specific Options

Field Type Description Default
array_compaction_threshold number [only relevant if the graph is optimized for updates] Threshold used to determined when to compact the delta-logs into a new array. If lower than the engine min_array_compaction_threshold value, min_array_compaction_threshold will be used instead. 0.2
attributes object Additional attributes needed to read and write the graph data. null
detect_gzip boolean Enable or disable automatic gzip compression detection when loading graphs. true
edge_destination_column value Name or index (starting from 1) of column corresponding to edge destination (for CSV format only). null
edge_id_column value Name or index (starting from 1) of column corresponding to edge id (for CSV format only). null
edge_id_strategy enum[no_ids, keys_as_ids, unstable_generated_ids] Indicates what ID strategy should be used for the edges of this graph. If not specified (or set to null), the strategy will be determined during loading or using a default value. null
edge_id_type enum[long] Type of the edge ID. For homogeneous graphs, if not specified (or set to null), it will default to long. null
edge_label_column value Name or index (starting from 1) of column corresponding to edge label (for CSV format only). null
edge_props array of object Specification of edge properties associated with graph. []
edge_source_column value Name or index (starting from 1) of column corresponding to edge source (for CSV format only). null
error_handling object Error handling configuration. null
external_stores array of object Specification of the external stores where external string properties reside. []
format enum[pgb, edge_list, adj_list, graphml, pg, rdf, two_tables] Graph format to be used. null
header boolean First line of file is meant for headers. For example, 'EdgeId, SourceId, DestId, EdgeProp1, EdgeProp2'. false
keystore_alias string Alias to the keystore to use when connecting to database. null
loading object Loading-specific configuration. null
local_date_format array of string array of local_date formats to use when loading and storing local_date properties. See DateTimeFormatter for documentation of the format string []
optimized_for enum[read, updates] Indicates if the graph should use data-structures optimized for read-intensive scenarios or for fast updates. read
partition_while_loading enum[by_label, no] Indicates if the graph should be partitioned while loading. null
password string Password to use when connecting to database. null
point2d string Longitude and latitude as floating point values separated by a space. 0.0 0.0
separator string a series of single-character separators for tokenizing. The characters ", {, } and \n cannot be used as separators. Default value is "," for CSV files, and "\t " for other formats. The first character will be used as a separator when storing. null
storing object Storing-specific configuration. null
time_format array of string The time format to use when loading and storing time properties. See DateTimeFormatter for documentation of the format string []
time_with_timezone_format array of string The time with timezone format to use when loading and storing time with timezone properties. See DateTimeFormatter for documentation of the format string. []
timestamp_format array of string The timestamp format to use when loading and storing timestamp properties. See DateTimeFormatter for documentation of the format string. []
timestamp_with_timezone_format array of string The timestamp with timezone format to use when loading and storing timestamp with timezone properties. See DateTimeFormatter for documentation of the format string. []
vector_component_delimiter character Delimiter for the different components of vector properties. ;
vertex_id_column value Name or index (starting from 1) of column corresponding to vertex id (for CSV format only). null
vertex_id_strategy enum[no_ids, keys_as_ids, unstable_generated_ids] Indicates what ID strategy should be used for the vertices of this graph. If not specified (or set to null), the strategy will be automatically detected. null
vertex_id_type enum[int, integer, long, string] Type of the vertex ID. For homogeneous graphs, if not specified (or set to null), it will default to a specific value (depending on the origin of the data). null
vertex_labels_column value Name or index (starting from 1) of column corresponding to vertex labels (for CSV format only). null
vertex_props array of object Specification of vertex properties associated with graph. []