5.1.1 Graph Element Variables

Vertex and edge pattern variables ranges over vertices and edges respectively.

For example, consider the following graph pattern which contains three graph element variables.


In the preceding graph pattern, v1 and v2 are two vertex pattern variables and e is an edge pattern variable.

Ensure that you apply the following rules for the graph pattern variables:

  • You cannot use the same variable name for both a vertex and an edge.
  • You can use the same variable name in two different vertex patterns as shown:

    MATCH (a IS person) -> (a IS person)

    In the preceding example, the vertex variable a is used in two vertex patterns - (a IS person) and (a IS person). This implies that the two vertex patterns that declare the same vertex variable must bind to the same vertex. Thus the vertex variable binds to a unique vertex but the vertex pattern can appear multiple times in the same graph pattern.

  • You can use the same variable name in two different edge patterns.
  • Anonymous (that is, omitted) vertex and edge variables are supported. See Example 5-8.