10.1 Loading a PGQL Property Graph Using the readGraphByName API

You can load a PGQL property graph by name into the graph server (PGX).

You can use the PgxSession#readGraphByName API to load a PGQL property graph:

readGraphByName(String schemaName, String graphName, GraphSource source, ReadGraphOption options)

The arguments used in the method are described in the following table:

Table 10-1 Parameters for the readGraphByName method

Parameter Description Optional
schemaName Schema owner Yes
graphName Name of the PGQL property graph No
source Source format for the graph: No
options Represents the graph optimization options Yes

The readGraphByName() method reads the PGQL property graph metadata tables and internally generates the graph configuration to load the graph. You must have PGX_SESSION_NEW_GRAPH permission to use this API.

For example you can load the PGQL property graph as shown:

opg4j> var graph = session.readGraphByName("BANKDATA", GraphSource.PG_VIEW)
$12 ==> PgxGraph[name=bankdata,N=1000,E=5001,created=1625730942294]
PgxGraph graph = session.readGraphByName("BANKDATA", GraphSource.PG_VIEW);
Graph: PgxGraph[name=bankdata,N=1000,E=5001,created=1625732149262]
>>> graph = session.read_graph_by_name('BANKDATA', 'pg_view')
>>> graph
PgxGraph(name: bankdata, v: 1000, e: 5001, directed: True, memory(Mb): 0)

See Also:

Mapping Oracle Database Types to PGX Types for more information on the supported types in the graph server (PGX)