A.10.1 Quick Start: Create and Query a Graph in the Database, Load into Graph Server (PGX) for Analytics

This tutorial shows how you can get started using property graph data when you create a graph and persist it in the database. The graph can be queried in the database. This tutorial uses the JShell client.

See Create and Query a Graph in the Database for more information on creating and storing graphs in database.

  • Convert existing relational data into a graph in the database.
  • Query this graph using PGQL.
In Load the Graph into Memory and Run Graph Analytics, you will run graph algorithms after loading the graph into the graph server (PGX).
  • Load the graph into the graph server (PGX), run graph algorithms on this graph, and visualize results.
Prerequisites for the following quickstart are:

Set up the example data

This example uses the HR (human resources) sample dataset.

Note that the database schema storing the graph must have the privileges listed in Required Privileges for Database Users.