16.5.2 Running the Triangle Counting Algorithm

For triangle counting, the sortByDegree boolean parameter of countTriangles() allows you to control whether the graph should first be sorted by degree (true) or not (false). If true, more memory will be used, but the algorithm will run faster; however, if your graph is very large, you might want to turn this optimization off to avoid running out of memory.

opg4j> analyst.countTriangles(graph, true)
==> 1
import oracle.pgx.api.*;
Analyst analyst = session.createAnalyst();
long triangles = analyst.countTriangles(graph, true);

The algorithm finds one triangle in the sample graph.


When using the graph shell, you can increase the amount of log output during execution by changing the logging level. See information about the :loglevel command with :h :loglevel.