16.6.3 Example Custom PGX Algorithm: PageRank

The following is an implementation of pagerank as a PGX algorithm:

import oracle.pgx.algorithm.PgxGraph;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.Scalar;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.VertexProperty;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.annotations.GraphAlgorithm;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.annotations.Out;

public class Pagerank {
  public void pagerank(PgxGraph G, double tol, double damp, int max_iter, boolean norm, @Out VertexProperty<Double> rank) {
    Scalar<Double> diff = Scalar.create();
    int cnt = 0;
    double N = G.getNumVertices();

    rank.setAll(1 / N);
    do {
      Scalar<Double> dangling_factor = Scalar.create(0d);

      if (norm) {
        dangling_factor.set(damp / N * G.getVertices().filter(v -> v.getOutDegree() == 0).sum(rank::get));

      G.getVertices().forEach(t -> {
        double in_sum = t.getInNeighbors().sum(w -> rank.get(w) / w.getOutDegree());
        double val = (1 - damp) / N + damp * in_sum + dangling_factor.get();
        diff.reduceAdd(Math.abs(val - rank.get(t)));
        rank.setDeferred(t, val);
    } while (diff.get() > tol && cnt < max_iter);